Series Plot Summary:
For 15-year old Jenna Hamilton, played by Ashley Rickards, life is forever changed after an accident turns into a horrible misunderstanding. Narrated in the first-person voice of Jenna's blog posts, Watch Awkward. Season 1, Episode 10 No Doubt Online Free Valerie tries to play neutral Switzerland as she helps Jake and Lissa make sense of their complicated relationship. Awkward. Season 1, Episode 10 20th September Youtube Free Online VIDEO MTV Watch No Doubt Episode For Free Trailer and Preview of 20th September 2011 Cast Crew Pictures and Wallpapers.Online Watch Awkward. Episode Full On MTV TV 20th September June 2011 English Drama Serial. Watch Awkward. MTV Video online Free, Awkward. Series MTV 18 September 2011 Online Tv Live Streaming. "Awkward." captures the humor within the struggles and experiences everyone can relate to from their formative years. The series picks up in the aftermath of the accident as she must deal with a new not-so-fun stigma, while at the same time managing the other daily drama that comes with being a teenager. From a secret relationship with a popular guy, to being undermined by a mean girl, and parents who just don't get it - Jenna's misfortune will eventually serve as the catalyst for amazing change, but it's not without some missteps and mishaps along the way.
AWKWARD “My Super Bittersweet Sixteen” Season 1 Episode 9 – Just like her new hero, Molly Ringwald, Jenna has an excruciating sixteenth birthday with a surprise ending in “My SuperBittersweet Sixteen,” this week’s Awkward.
To kick off her awful day, Jenna fails her driving test, despite the help of her lucky rainbow socks (very sweetly given to her by her dad who doesn’t get enough screen time in proportion to her mother), and will continue to be at the mercy of her parents for rides to and from school.
As if this isn’t bad enough, CC (Creepy Counselor) calls Jenna into her office, but it turns out she just wants to give her a copy of the Ringwald masterpiece that has seen so many girls through their sixteenth birthdays. You know, deferring to John Hughes might actually be the only good choice that Val has ever made as a guidance counselor.
Season 1 Summary:
For 15-year old Jenna Hamilton, played by Ashley Rickards, life is forever changed after an accident turns into a horrible misunderstanding. Narrated in the first-person voice of Jenna's blog posts, "Awkward." captures the humor within the struggles and experiences everyone can relate to from their formative years. The series picks up in the aftermath of the accident as she must deal with a new not-so-fun stigma, while at the same time managing the other daily drama that comes with being a teenager. From a secret relationship with a popular guy, to being undermined by a mean girl, and parents who just don't get it - Jenna's misfortune will eventually serve as the catalyst for amazing change, but it's not without some missteps and mishaps along the way.
Episode Storyline:
Valerie tries to play neutral Switzerland as she helps Jake and Lissa make sense of their complicated relationship.
Season 1, Episode 10
No Doubt
11:00 PM MTV
Air Timing: 11:00 PM
Air On: 20th September 2011
Release Date: 19 July 2011 (USA)
Genre:Comedy, Family
Main Cast And Crew
Stars: Ashley Rickards, Beau Mirchoff and Nikki Deloach
Creator: Lauren Iungerich
Country: USA
Language: English
Filming Locations: Los Angeles, California, USA
Source URL: 15-year old Jenna Hamilton, played by Ashley Rickards, life is forever changed after an accident turns into a horrible misunderstanding. Narrated in the first-person voice of Jenna's blog posts, Watch Awkward. Season 1, Episode 10 No Doubt Online Free Valerie tries to play neutral Switzerland as she helps Jake and Lissa make sense of their complicated relationship. Awkward. Season 1, Episode 10 20th September Youtube Free Online VIDEO MTV Watch No Doubt Episode For Free Trailer and Preview of 20th September 2011 Cast Crew Pictures and Wallpapers.Online Watch Awkward. Episode Full On MTV TV 20th September June 2011 English Drama Serial. Watch Awkward. MTV Video online Free, Awkward. Series MTV 18 September 2011 Online Tv Live Streaming. "Awkward." captures the humor within the struggles and experiences everyone can relate to from their formative years. The series picks up in the aftermath of the accident as she must deal with a new not-so-fun stigma, while at the same time managing the other daily drama that comes with being a teenager. From a secret relationship with a popular guy, to being undermined by a mean girl, and parents who just don't get it - Jenna's misfortune will eventually serve as the catalyst for amazing change, but it's not without some missteps and mishaps along the way.
AWKWARD “My Super Bittersweet Sixteen” Season 1 Episode 9 – Just like her new hero, Molly Ringwald, Jenna has an excruciating sixteenth birthday with a surprise ending in “My SuperBittersweet Sixteen,” this week’s Awkward.
To kick off her awful day, Jenna fails her driving test, despite the help of her lucky rainbow socks (very sweetly given to her by her dad who doesn’t get enough screen time in proportion to her mother), and will continue to be at the mercy of her parents for rides to and from school.
As if this isn’t bad enough, CC (Creepy Counselor) calls Jenna into her office, but it turns out she just wants to give her a copy of the Ringwald masterpiece that has seen so many girls through their sixteenth birthdays. You know, deferring to John Hughes might actually be the only good choice that Val has ever made as a guidance counselor.
Season 1 Summary:
For 15-year old Jenna Hamilton, played by Ashley Rickards, life is forever changed after an accident turns into a horrible misunderstanding. Narrated in the first-person voice of Jenna's blog posts, "Awkward." captures the humor within the struggles and experiences everyone can relate to from their formative years. The series picks up in the aftermath of the accident as she must deal with a new not-so-fun stigma, while at the same time managing the other daily drama that comes with being a teenager. From a secret relationship with a popular guy, to being undermined by a mean girl, and parents who just don't get it - Jenna's misfortune will eventually serve as the catalyst for amazing change, but it's not without some missteps and mishaps along the way.
Episode Storyline:
Valerie tries to play neutral Switzerland as she helps Jake and Lissa make sense of their complicated relationship.
Season 1, Episode 10
No Doubt
11:00 PM MTV
Air Timing: 11:00 PM
Air On: 20th September 2011
Release Date: 19 July 2011 (USA)
Genre:Comedy, Family
Main Cast And Crew
Stars: Ashley Rickards, Beau Mirchoff and Nikki Deloach
Creator: Lauren Iungerich
Country: USA
Language: English
Filming Locations: Los Angeles, California, USA
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