Hollywood Movie Chasing Madoff 2011 Watch Online Trailer Review Cast And Crew
Movie Summary Plot:
Chasing Madoff is the compelling story of Harry Markopolos and his team of investigator's ten-year struggle to expose the harrowing truth behind the infamous Madoff scandal. Throughout the decade long investigation, Markopolos pieced together a chain of white-collar predators consisting of bankers, lieutenants, and henchmen, all linked to the devastating Ponzi scheme. With risk and danger apparent, Markopolos and his loyal team relentlessly continued to pursue the frightening truth. Finding himself trapped in a web of epic deceit, the once unassuming Boston securities analyst turned vigilante investigator now feared for his life and the safety of his family, as he discovered no one would listen.
A look at how one investigator spent ten years trying to expose Bernie Madoff's massive Ponzi scheme that scammed an estimated $18 billion from investors.
Movie News:
27 July 2011 1:49 PM, PDT
Premiering on August 26 in limited release, the indie documentary Chasing Madoff follows Harry Markopolos' decade-long effort to expose the infamous Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme. The documentary is based on Markopolos's book No One Would Listen, a New York Times bestseller that follows his attempts to alert the SEC to the Madoff scheme starting in 2000-- eight years before the crooked financier turned himself in. When the book came out in 2009 Markopolos did an interview with The New York Times and expressed blunt frustration with the SEC for ignoring him, claiming they "weren't even asleep at the switch; they were comatose." He also said that major studios had contacted him about adapting his book into a film, but it seems director Jeff Prosserman has beaten them all to the punch by turning the story into a documentary instead. If you want to know more about Markopolos and his
Main Cast and Crew
Cast: Frank Casey, Neil Chelo, Marc A. Hermann
Gaytri Kachroo, Bernie Madoff And Others
Director: Jeff Prosserman
Writer: Jeff Prosserman, Harry Markopolos
Studio: Cohen Media Group, LLC
Genre: Documentary
Country: USA, Canada
Language: English, Spanish
Release Date: 26 August 2011
Runtime: 1 hour 31 minutes
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Source URL: https://lazyeyetheater.blogspot.com/2011/08/hollywood-movie-chasing-madoff-online.htmlMovie Summary Plot:
Chasing Madoff is the compelling story of Harry Markopolos and his team of investigator's ten-year struggle to expose the harrowing truth behind the infamous Madoff scandal. Throughout the decade long investigation, Markopolos pieced together a chain of white-collar predators consisting of bankers, lieutenants, and henchmen, all linked to the devastating Ponzi scheme. With risk and danger apparent, Markopolos and his loyal team relentlessly continued to pursue the frightening truth. Finding himself trapped in a web of epic deceit, the once unassuming Boston securities analyst turned vigilante investigator now feared for his life and the safety of his family, as he discovered no one would listen.
A look at how one investigator spent ten years trying to expose Bernie Madoff's massive Ponzi scheme that scammed an estimated $18 billion from investors.
Movie News:
27 July 2011 1:49 PM, PDT
Premiering on August 26 in limited release, the indie documentary Chasing Madoff follows Harry Markopolos' decade-long effort to expose the infamous Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme. The documentary is based on Markopolos's book No One Would Listen, a New York Times bestseller that follows his attempts to alert the SEC to the Madoff scheme starting in 2000-- eight years before the crooked financier turned himself in. When the book came out in 2009 Markopolos did an interview with The New York Times and expressed blunt frustration with the SEC for ignoring him, claiming they "weren't even asleep at the switch; they were comatose." He also said that major studios had contacted him about adapting his book into a film, but it seems director Jeff Prosserman has beaten them all to the punch by turning the story into a documentary instead. If you want to know more about Markopolos and his
Main Cast and Crew
Cast: Frank Casey, Neil Chelo, Marc A. Hermann
Gaytri Kachroo, Bernie Madoff And Others
Director: Jeff Prosserman
Writer: Jeff Prosserman, Harry Markopolos
Studio: Cohen Media Group, LLC
Genre: Documentary
Country: USA, Canada
Language: English, Spanish
Release Date: 26 August 2011
Runtime: 1 hour 31 minutes
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